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PawAcademy G2 bestått

Hurra! Nå kan jeg smykke meg med den gule G2 rosetten fra Pawpeds sitt internettkurs for katteoppdrettere! Som en del av dette kurset skrev jeg bla en review om genetikken bak polydaktyli hos katter som dere kan lese her.

I kurset inngår følgende tema:
  • Responsibilities of the breeder
  • Housing and care - laws, permissions and regulations
  • Mentorship
  • Breeding plan
  • Choosing your breeding cats
  • Owning a stud
  • Owning a breeding female
  • Birth control pills
  • Basic genetics
  • Colour genetics
  • Genetic diseases and defects
  • Infectious diseases
  • Mating
  • Pregnancy
  • Delivery of the kittens
  • Determining the sex of the kittens
  • Defects in the kittens
  • Hand feeding kittens
  • Colour determination
  • Registration and certificates
  • Development of the kittens
  • Evaluating and selecting the kittens
  • Selling the kittens

 Watch cat mating video here:



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