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Alterskjaer Brutus PP - DNA testing

Our lovely F3 Alterskjaer Brutus PP is growing up so fast. He will be 13 weeks this coming Monday.

Below is also a photo of his mother Taschanas Goddess Bellona PP (2 years on).

Bellona was tested for the three known poly mutation variants found in cats, and tested positive for the Maine Coon «Hemingway mutation», being heterozygous for this singel point mutation (Hw/N). She has two extra toes on each of her front paws and one extra toe on each of her back paws (7-7-5-5), 24 toes in total.

Brutus´s father, Lynx Luna Inferno PP of Taschanas, is poly with pattyfeet both front and back with 6 digits on each paw. He is N/N for the "Hemingway mutation" (MyCatDNA screeing). The mutation for patty feet has not yet been described.

Brutus has seven digits on his right hind paw and six digits on his left hind paw (both of them patty paws), seven digits on his front paw left side, and also on his front right paw. On this last paw it looks like all pads are attached (different from the right paw), the extra digits are however mitten typed.

Results recently came back from the MyCatDNA screening in Finland, and it turns out that he (as expected) is genotype Hw/N like his mother. But he also has patty feet like his father. 
Importantly, apart from morphological and genetic diversity data, Brutus tested negative to all known disorders in the breed (42 tested disease mutations in total) including PKdef, HCM and SMA. 
Brutus will stay with us / his foster family for further evaluation including hip and hearth scan - and we hope to use him in breeding later on.
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