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B-litter born Dec 13 2019 - Puma & Inferno Review Update

Me and Alterskjaer Chloe when she was tiny wee baby. Photo: Ida-Helene Sivertsen 

8 months update August 2020

Photos taken at 8 months

Three of the wonderful f3 kittens after Inferno #lynxlunainfernopp and Puma #nordiclynxcrazykiss born December 13 last year are evaluated further for breeding: 
Alterskjaer Lucifer PP #alterskjaerluciferppoftaschanas

Chloe is living with us and Lucifer with his wonderful foster family (fôrvertsfamilie) Tormod and Trine in Tromsø. Lovely Dan is the only kitten sold for breeding from our two first litters. He moved out this week to Carolina Demoor, Carolina's Kattenkribbe in Belgium. A real treasure he is with his good looks and unique bloodlines. I know he will have a good life with Carolina and look forward to follow him and his offsprings later on. 

Watch the domestic cat video here:

Alterskjaer Dan 12 weeks. Photo: Ida-Helene Sivertsen.

12 weeks - update Mars 7 2020
All the kittens are now ID/microchipped and registered in TICA (The International Cat Association) (Table 1). Their TICA pedigrees should soon be on their way in the mail. Sadly names have gotten a bit shorter than we wished for during the registration process, as TICA did not allow the addition of "of Taschanas" to the kittens names. Read more at wingsbirdpro

Alterskjaer Chloe 12 weeks. Photo: Ida-Helene Sivertsen.

Table 1. Alterskjaer Maine Coon kittens after our queen Nordic Lynx Crazy Kiss aka Puma SBT 061717 071 (born June 17 2017) and F2 Lynx Luna Interno PP of Taschanas 03T 112616 049 (born Nov 26 2016). This is Puma´s first litter and Inferno´s last.

Kittens born 13.12.19
Reg number
EMS code
Alterskjaer Eve 
MCO as 09, blue smoke with white
Alterskjaer Ella
MCO n, black
Alterskjaer Maze 
MCO n 09, black with white
Alterskjaer Chloe 
MCO as 09 22, blue silvertabby with white
Alterskjaer Dan 
MCO a 09, blue with white
Alterskjaer Lucifer PP
MCO a 09 22, blue tabby with white
Alterskjaer Maze 12 weeks. Photo: Ida-Helene Sivertsen.

All the kittens have their own international pet passport (vaccination certificate). They have been vaccinated twice against cat flu and panleucopenia. Dan is moving abroad so he has received some extra vaccinations in addition (infectious leukemia (FeLV) at 8 and 12 weeks, and rabies at 12 weeks). The kittens have also been dewormed three times at 3, 6 and 9 weeks.
The kittens all underwent their first veterinarian examination at 8 weeks of age with their first vaccination. And have now gone through a new examination at the day of the second vaccination 12 weeks old. All the kittens are healthy with good hearth sounds and they boys all have both testicles in place. 

Health results of the kitten´s parents are available online (MyCatDNA and PawPeds). And printouts of the records / documentation follows each kitten. 

Puma, Maze, Dan, Ulysses. Photo: Ida-Helene Sivertsen.

We feel very fortunate to be able to keep both the F3 poly boys from our Maine Coon litters after beautiful Lynx Luna Inferno PP of Taschanas: Alterskjaer Brutus PP (from the A-litter) and Alterskjaer Lucifer PP (from the B-litter). In addition Alterskjaer Chloe will stay with us - and Alterskjaer Dan will continue in breeding abroad.

Chloe and Lucifer are allready DNA tested. Hips and hearth will also be scanned as part of the evaluation for breeding.

This is Lucifer: Mr Morningstar himself, the king of the pack and a true Diamond. He is the biggest of the 8 kittens in the two litters: with a birth weight of 150 grams and now at 12 weeks he is 2.36 kg. Lucifer will be evaluated further for use in breeding with us in Alterskjær Maine Coon and our dear colleages in Sweden: Taschanas Maine Coon and Lynx Luna Maine Coons

Dan 12 weeks at the vet this morning for his vaccinations and health test. 

Dan is such a stunning boy! We are so proud of him and look forward to follow him on his adventures later on in life.

Lucifer & Chloe on their way to the vet for their 12 week vaccination today

Table 2. Weight development B-litter born Dec 13 2019. 

9 weeks - February 14 2020

Lucifer, Eve, Maze, Dan and Ella 8.5 weeks old.

8.5 weeks - update February 10 2020
Puma´s kittens have grown so big! Especially the boys!! At 8.5 weeks, Lucifer is now 1.5 kg and Dan 1.3 kg. 

Chloe making sure that all the paper work is done correctly for her DNA-sample!

The kittens have been in for their first vaccination at AniCura Animal Hospital in Tromsø. They will have their second vaccination at 12 weeks. All kittens were ID-chipped and have been given their own individual pass ports. In addition DNA samples were taken from Chloe (who is staying with us) to do mycatDNA profiling by Genoscoper Laboratories in Finland, as part of evaluation for breeding. 

As we have decided to keep Chloe, two of her sisters are now available to the right home (link to more information). 

Dan & Eve at 8.5 weeks

The silvergirl Chloe will stay with us.

5 weeks - update January 20 2020
Puma´s kittens are growing up so fast. Especially the boys - I can literally feel their weight increasing day by day.

They have started climbing, playing, running, and they are just totally adorable - all of them. And so are their moms - always looking after the little ones and making sure that they are ok. Clean, fed, safe and well behaved.

Our daughter, Ingrid-Helene, has allready made up her mind that we should keep Chloe - and I can totally relate to that. I have always had a soft spot for tabbies and she is a real beauty. As I see it, Chloe and Eve, are our two top candidates for keeping. I just wish we could have kept them both.

We also have plans for Dan - so he is not available. The poly boy, Lucifer, is under evalution and is definately a male that we hope to see used in breeding in the future.

This is their favorite spot - chilling at the roof top. Just like our huskies. Eve, Chloe, Dan, Ella (5.5 weeks).

Maze 5 weeks

This means that once the kittens have received their first health check and vaccination at 8 weeks, we will most likely start the process of looking for future families for two of the girls: amazing Maze (black) and sweet Ella rebell'a (black smoke).

Maine coon kittens from our breeding that are sold as pets, will be neutured before they move to their new home.

All out kittens will be registered with their pedigree from TICA, and they are of course ID-chipped. They will be vaccinated twice at 8 and 12 weeks, and they will come with a veterinary pass port. They will also be dewormed three times as recommended by our vet at 3, 6 and 9 weeks. They will be checked by the vet prior to moving and come with a veterinary certificate and a detailed sales contract. Parents are health tested according to the PawPeds health programmes with known hearth and hip status, and DNA tested in MyCatDNA.

You can follow their development closely on our Facebook page and on Instagram.

Chloe 5 weeks

Eve 5 weeks

Dan 5 weeks

Puma´s litter is an outcross combination with new Maine lines through the use of beautiful Lynx Luna Inferno PP of Taschanas - an F2 cat bred by Johanna Eli Forssblad / Lynx Luna Maine Coons and owned by Marita R. Sørensen / Taschanas Maine Coon. This is his last litter and I am so greatful for having been entrusted with these unique blood lines.

The kittens consequently have very low inbreeding with a COI (total inbreeding calculated in PawPeds using pedigree information) of only 3.65%. Clones are down to 23.4% and top five cats 45.4%. Link to litter pedigree in PawPeds.

The parents are hip scannedhearth scanned and DNA tested. More info can be found here.

B-litter: Names and colours
Puma´s F3 kittens were born on full moon, on Saint Lucy's Day / Lucia Day, December 13. We call this litter "Puma´s Lussekatter" after a special baked bun, Lussekatt (St. Lucy Bun), made with saffron - a popular tradition for Lucia Day. The kittens are named after characters in the TV-series Lucifer Morningstar. One of my absolute favorites this autumn. And also very fitting with a father named Inferno. This breeding is in close collaboration with my dear friend Marita R Sørensen, the owner of Inferno, and all the kittens will carry her cattery name Taschanas in addition to mine (Alterskjaer).

Pedigree names
Alterskjaer Charlotte of Taschanas - died only hours after birth 
Blue with white
MCO a 09
Alterskjaer Eve of Taschanas
Bluesmoke with white
MCO as 09
Alterskjaer Maze of Taschanas
Black with white
MCO n 09
Alterskjaer Ella of Taschanas
Alterskjaer Chloe of Taschanas
Blue silvertabby with white
MCO as 09 22
Alterskjaer Dan of Taschanas
Blue with white
MCO a 09
Alterskjaer Lucifer PP of Taschanas
Blue tabby with white
MCO a 09 22

4 weeks - update January 10 2020

Chloe 4 weeks old. One of the females from this litter will stay with us. We have not decided which one.

All the kittens were dewormed at 3 weeks, and will be dewormed again at 6 and 9 weeks.

Dan - the kittens have started playing with each other and exloring their surroundings.

Lucifer is a giant compared to the rest - 650 grams at 4 weeks!

Mama Puma 

Dan at 4 weeks

These two are almost impossible to get good photos of! Ella and Maze.

Update December 27 - 2019 at 2 weeks

Eve is such a beautiful sweethearth!

We have exciting plans for the blue Prince Dan.

Maze is one of two black smoke kittens in the litter of Puma×Inferno. They look like baby she-bears both of them. The silver coat in a solid colored Maine Coon is referred to as "smoke". In a tabby cat, it’s referred to as "silver". It may be difficult to detect a smoke undercoat in kittens, as this can develop and become more prominent with age. The silver/smoke can usually be detected by checking the roots of the hair shaft in the cat. A true smoke color will have silver roots to the hair shaft. Based on the genetics of the parents we knew that the kittens could be born with silver/smoke coat. Maze is the biggest of the girls. 

Ella 2 weeks

Chloe with her brother Lucifer

Lucifer is a stunning big boy. I really hope that he can continue in breeding. 

Mama Puma with Brutus and the rest

Bellona and Puma feed and look after their kittens together. This is Bellona with Puma's son Lucifer 2 weeks old. Lucifer is the largest of the kittens in Puma´s litter. His birthweight was 150 grams - two weeks later he has reached 400 grams. We include both poly and non-poly Maine Coon cats in our breeding program. Lucifer is the only polydactyl kitten in this litter of initially 7 kittens - with beautiful patty feet like his papa with 6+6+6+6 toes.

Day 1 - update December 14 2019
This week has been absolutely nervewrecking waiting for Puma´s kittens to be born. Her due date was approximately Dec 10 (I never saw the mating and for long I did not think that Inferno had succeded in mating her - as she was - to put it mildly - really giving him a hard time completing his "assignment"). Friday morning (day 68) I decided to take Puma to the vet to make sure that the kittens were ok. 

Puma had a huge belly and her weight had increased by 2.4 kg (from 5.2 to 7.6 kg) when I weighed her day 64. The x-ray examinations showed that she was carrying no less than 7 (!) kittens. The ultrasound confirmed that the kittens were in good shape with excellent hearth rates and no bowel movements - which is good. So home we went to waith and practice patience.

Finally, in the evening, around 9 o´clock we could hear the first kitten screaming in the birth box. One hour and 15 minutes later Puma had give birth to 6 beautiful kittens. But I knew there was one more in there - waiting to be born. Examining her belly I also realized that this was a big kitten - which was not good news. My worry now was that it had gotten stuck or was to big - causing distress to both the kitten and mother with a C-section as a possible outcome. However, all went well. The last one - a beautiful big polydactyl boy of 150 grams - was born just after midnight.

Sadly one of the kittens, a blue agouti girl, smaller than the rest - died just after delivery. But the remaining kittens were in really good shape. Heading straight for the milky bar, all of them increasing their body weight and doing well during their first day of life. Puma is of course an amazing mom - calm and with good instincts. No stress handling a litter of six.

X-ray to determine numbers of kittens (day 68)

X-ray Friday morning revealed that Puma had lots of kittens onboard! Counting skulls and spines we detected 7 kittens in total. 

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