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Breeding cat plans for 2021

Puma and Bellona did a second hearth scan with hearth specialist Liva Vatne at AniCura Dyresykehuset in Tromsø September this year - both of them with excellent results. We will follow up with hip scans of their offsprings Chloe, Lucifer and Brutus now in December and a hearth scan in the beginning of February when Vatne visits Tromsø again. They have already completed their DNA tests with MyCatDNA. Their brother Alterskjaer Dan will also be health tested for breeding at Carolina's Kattenkribbe in Belgium. 

We are still in the early planning and dreaming - but provided that the remaining health tests (hearth and hip scans) of Brutus, Lucifer and Chloe turn out well - we hope to see offsprings after the following combinations at Alterskjær Maine Coon in 2021: Alterskjaer Lucifer PP x Taschanas Goddess Bellona PP and Alterskjaer Brutus PP x Nordic Lynx Crazy Kiss. 

And if dreams come true, our beautiful Alterskjaer Chloe will also have her first kittens this coming year. Crossing borders to do matings is not possible right now due to the corona - but we have an exciting candidate for her nearby that is currently being health tested. More info will follow. 

Alterskjaer Lucifer PP x Taschanas Goddess Bellona PP

Test mating / Litter data: Link to test mating Lucifer x Bellona in the Wingsbirdpro database

Inbreeding: 3.12%
COI: 9.15% (both Lucifer and Bellona are f3, and will give f4 offsprings)
Clones: 23.4%
Top 5: 45.9%

This combination between Lucifer (a 09 22) and Bellona (e 22) can give 
  • solid cream (e) and cream tabby (e 22) boys with or without white 
  • blue tortie (g) or blue torbie (g 22) girls with or without white
We expect both poly and non-poly offsprings after Lucifer and Bellona as they are both poly Maine coon, Bellona with mitten paws (7-7-5-5) and Lucifer with mitten front paws and patty hind paws (6-6-5-5). Lucifer tested negative (N/N) for the three known poly mutations. Bellona is genotype Hw/N (the Hemingway poly mutation).

Bellow are individual data on genetic diversity and health for Lucifer and Bellona
Genetic diversity tested by MyCatDNA measures the cat’s genetic diversity by screening thousands of sites in its DNA. Genetic diversity represents the heterozygosity level within the breed. Each tested cat updates the view of the breed’s genetic diversity. The degree of inbreeding can be measured by using a Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) in PawPeds. This is the probability that two copies of the same variant at a gene have been inherited from an ancestor common to both the sire and dam. The COI is based on the pedigree (PawPeds) and similar for all the kittens in a litter, while the Genetic Diversity is based on the DNA from each individual cat in relation to the population as a whole (MyCatDNA).

Alterskjaer Lucifer PP
Taschanas Goddess Bellona PP
Date of birthDec 13 2019Nov 1 2017
EMS color codesMCO a 09 22MCO e 22
Previous litters01 (2 offsprings)
Weight6.5 kg (at 8 months)3.4 kg
Genetic diversity (MyCatDNA)38.0%38.5%
(PawPeds, based on 4 generations)
(Lucifer is an f3 cat)
(Bellona is an f3 cat)
Top 545.4%46.5%
Blood type (DNA tested, MyCatDNA)N/N (blood type A)N/b (blood type A, carries b allele)
PK DNAHeterozygous carrierN/N
HCM scanningWill be tested Feb 2021Jan 29 2019 (age 1.2.28):
Normal (Liva Vatne)
Sept 17 2020 (age 2.10.16): Normal (Liva Vatne)
HD xrayWill be tested Dec 2021Nov 2018:
Left: Normal
Right: Normal
(Per Eksell)

Alterskjaer Brutus PP x Nordic Lynx Crazy Kiss (Puma)

Test mating / Litter data: Link to test mating Brutus x Puma in the PawPeds database

Inbreeding: 0%
COI: 6.70% (Brutus is an f3 boy, and will give f4 offsprings)
Clones: 27%
Top 5: 52.5%

Offsprings after Brutus (e 22) and Puma (ns 09) can be 
  • black (n), black smoke (ns), blue (a) and blue silver (as) boys with or without white, with or without tabby
  • black tortie (f), black smoke tortie (fs), blue tortie (g), blue tortie silver (gs) girls with or without white, with or without tabby
We expect both poly and non-poly offsprings from this combination as Brutus is a poly Maine Coon with genotype Hw/N (inherited from his mother Taschanas Goddess Bellona PP) and mitten paws (7-7-7-6).

Bellow are individual data on genetic diversity and health for Brutus and Puma

Alterskjaer Brutus PP Nordic Lynx Crazy Kiss
Date of birthDec 9 2019June 17 2017
EMS color codesMCO e 22MCO ns 09
Previous litters01 (6 offsprings)
Weight4.1 kg (at 8 months)5.5 kg
Genetic diversity (MyCatDNA)36.6%34.1%
(PawPeds, based on 4 generations)
(Brutus is a generation three foundation cat / f3 cat)
Top 532.4%72.6%
Blood type (DNA tested MyCatDNA)N/N (Blood type A)N/N (Blood type A)


Heterozygous carrier
HCM scanningWill be tested Feb 2021June 26 2018 (age 1.0.9):
Normal (Liva Vatne)
Sept 17 2020 (age 3.3.0):
Normal (Liva Vatne)
HD xrayWill be tested Dec 2020June 2018:
Left: Normal
Right: Normal
(Per Eksell)

Watch cat mating video here:


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